Daya Nueva Recita a Miguel Hernández – 25 de Marzo

This Saturday, March 25, the town of Daya Nueva will pay homage to the international poet Oriolano MIGUEL HERNÁNDEZ for the 75th anniversary of his death. The same will be held in the Cultural Hall of the municipality at 20h.

After the end of the event there will be a wine of honor for the attendees.

The town thus fulfills its commitment to the culture and the poetry, very ingrained from many years back.

“Remembering Miguel Hernandez who disappeared in the dark and remembering it in full light, is a duty of Spain, a duty of love”

Pablo Neruda, October 1960.

It organizes the Department of Culture and collaborates with the “Dos Aguas” Women’s Ascent of Daya Nueva.


Theatrical Performance in Daya Nueva – April 1

Next Saturday, April 1, 2017, we will have the performance of the Municipal Adult School “Alberto González Vergel” at the Cultural Hall of Daya Nueva, at 20:30. We will offer the play “TOCADOS” which is directed by MAY JOYA.

Organized by the Department of Culture.

We look forward to your assistance !!!!